Thursday, 17 December 2009

Initial final cut

Changes from the rough cut:

- action montage added at the end
- change of background music
- change of the amount of shots all characters have
- more of a narrative added to the intro - shot of characters walking down a road together and returning together - adds to the concept of a gang

This is my initial final cut as there are a few amendments that need to be made, including:

- a change of background music to fit more with the pace and tone of the piece
- changes to the diegetic sound as some sound can be heard that isn't meant to be there

Audience Feedback
To establish whether my piece was effective to the target audience, getting feedback from my target audience (7-13 years old) was essential. The response was:
- many liked the introduction of the characters with the animated background
- many said that it became monotone with all characters having two different shots, so I changed the pattern of the characters shots
- change of background music would prove more effective, as it didn't fit with the target audience or the piece itself
- the overall response was better than the rough cut; the audience felt there was more connection with the characters and this was particularly as a result of the action montage

So far, I am happy with the initial final cut; I feel a lot of progress and improvement has been made from the rough cut and that the piece is started to feel like a children's TV drama. However, there are still some obvious changes that need to be made to create a better effect and to enable the target audience to relate to the piece.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Freeze Frame effect

In the final shot for my children's TV drama coursework, I chose to a shot of the 'gang' jumping and then freezing this shot to allow the title to appear, whilst having the group visible in the background. However, as this was a new effect that I have no experience with, I chose to look on YouTube for some tutorials on how to create a freeze frame. I found this tutorial and it provided with the steps shown below to add the effect:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Finished shot